Monday, March 9, 2015

It's A Girl!

the February Baby is a sweet baby girl.
her name is Marlowe Noel Muise.
she was born on February 18th, 2014.
she weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 19 inches long.

now she's one year old!
i have a lot of updates to post. :)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Making a Surprise Ball

i stumbled upon surprise balls
through the website i found
for the Munari Mobile

miekewillems - surprise ball

it looks like the ones from kiosk
in New York aren't available anymore
but kiosk is still pretty cool
kioskkiosk - main page

so i decided to make a surprise ball
for my mother in law for her xmas present
she and i have very close birthdays
and we both love little toys and
little things and fake food

at first i bought crepe paper streamers
but then i realized that people were using
tissue paper cut into ribbons
so i went back and bought
xmas themed tissue paper
and some thin ribbon for
the finishing touches

i bought some small things
online at this store

i spent about $35US on ten items for the ball

these are the tutorials i will reference
i don't like the look of her end result
this one is beautiful

this is my finished product

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gathering Items For Baby

babies need stuff
but they don't need all the stuff
especially up front

this is what i've purchased/gathered

1. chicco keyfit 30 carseat and two bases - craigslist $70
update: turns out the expiration date was too soon for this seat
and some of the straps on the bases were cut
so we turned it all in for a %25 discount at babies r us
for a new set (not a complete loss)
but i don't think i'll use this carseat past 3 months
because it is already heavy for me (5' tall) at 2 months
2. Uppababy bassinet piece for sleeping - craigslist $40
update: best purchase ever, portable, light weight
simple design, sturdy
we put it on a drawer turned upside down
by our bed (similar height) and it is perfect
3. pack n' play - gift
4. pack n' play mattress - amazon $35
5. mattress cover - amazon $12
6. changing pad - amazon $25
7. changing pad cover - amazon $5.00
8. baby bjorn baby sitter seat with toy bar - craigslist $100
9. small swivel rocker (because i'm small) - $50
10. Maclaren Easy Traveler stroller frame - craigslist $15
11. gauze swaddle blanket fabric - $40 to make 8 blankets
12. clearance newborn clothes - average $3 or less/piece
13. a new car - my old truck had a bench seat
14. Maclaren Vollo Stroller - craigslist $60
15. baby bath - amazon $45

i don't want a crib
because i want to do a montessori style floor bed
and there is only a small window where a crib might be nice
from (4mo - 9mo)
and i think a pack n' play with a nice mattress
would be totally sufficient for a couple of months

i don't need a high chair
because we don't eat at a typical table
we eat at a low coffee table
so it is actually perfect for the cube chair (see previous post)

i don't want a plastic diaper disposal system
i don't want plastic walkers/bouncers/exersaucers
i don't think i need a special nursing pillow

i don't want a commercial baby gym
because i'm going to use the montessori wall mirror & mobile
as well as a wooden tripod type set up

Making Sleep Plans For Baby

i plan on having the baby sleep
in a bassinet raised up
on an overturned drawer
next to my bed for three months

the baby can always sleep
in the bassinet anywhere in the house
because it is very portable
and not some static piece of furniture

the baby can sleep
in the bassinet
until it grows too big (3 months)

then i'll transition the baby
out of the bedroom
and into the pack n' play
with a mattress
in the baby's room

then i'll take away the pack n' play
and transition the baby to a floor bed in the nursery
montessori style

two months old and the bassinet
on the drawer by my bed
is perfect so far

baby is easy and sleep is good
our bed time can range from
10pm to 12pm (with baby)

and baby wake up anywhere
from 3am to 7am for a feed
and then back to snuggles in bed
until around 10am

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Making Newborn Hats For Baby

Newborn Hat Tutorial

i like this simple hat tutorial
i'll try to make these out of
leftover material from my gown project

i made one!
it is so easy
and it is the perfect size
like the hats from the hospital

(insert photo)

it matches the two gowns
that i am making
i used the front piece
with khaki stripes
and the back piece
with navy stripes

i actually shortened the pattern
because i didn't want two folds

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Making a Quilt For Baby

i started a crib sized quilt for my cousin's first baby
that was almost 9 years ago

i pieced together a top layer
and ended up with funky curved edges

i think i can finish now
things to do -
  - square out the edges
  - create the stack up
      - pieced top layer
      - cotton batting
      - bottom layer
  - quilt the whole thing
  - add border
  - add the turtle's tail!
  - stitch around the eyes
    (they're the only things appliqued)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Making Swaddle Blankets For Baby

i like the quality of Aden & Anais swaddle blankets
but a 4 pack is $35US
and the colors/designs are uninspiring

i'm going to order my own gauze fabric
they have many bright color options
for under $4US a yard
and use this tutorial
Gauze Swaddle Blanket
to make my own

i ordered my gauze fabric today
i got 2.5 yards of 4 colors
so that i could make two blankets per color
i decided that the stripe concept
was too much additional work
so i'll stick to solids
and concentrate on hemming the edges

update #2:
i decided to leave the edges rough
i cut one that is 42x42
and one that is  40x30
out of one color