Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Making Sleep Plans For Baby

i plan on having the baby sleep
in a bassinet raised up
on an overturned drawer
next to my bed for three months

the baby can always sleep
in the bassinet anywhere in the house
because it is very portable
and not some static piece of furniture

the baby can sleep
in the bassinet
until it grows too big (3 months)

then i'll transition the baby
out of the bedroom
and into the pack n' play
with a mattress
in the baby's room

then i'll take away the pack n' play
and transition the baby to a floor bed in the nursery
montessori style

two months old and the bassinet
on the drawer by my bed
is perfect so far

baby is easy and sleep is good
our bed time can range from
10pm to 12pm (with baby)

and baby wake up anywhere
from 3am to 7am for a feed
and then back to snuggles in bed
until around 10am

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