babies need stuff
but they don't need all the stuff
especially up front
this is what i've purchased/gathered
1. chicco keyfit 30 carseat and two bases - craigslist $70
update: turns out the expiration date was too soon for this seat
and some of the straps on the bases were cut
so we turned it all in for a %25 discount at babies r us
for a new set (not a complete loss)
but i don't think i'll use this carseat past 3 months
because it is already heavy for me (5' tall) at 2 months
2. Uppababy bassinet piece for sleeping - craigslist $40
update: best purchase ever, portable, light weight
simple design, sturdy
we put it on a drawer turned upside down
by our bed (similar height) and it is perfect
3. pack n' play - gift
4. pack n' play mattress - amazon $35
5. mattress cover - amazon $12
6. changing pad - amazon $25
7. changing pad cover - amazon $5.00
8. baby bjorn baby sitter seat with toy bar - craigslist $100
9. small swivel rocker (because i'm small) - $50
10. Maclaren Easy Traveler stroller frame - craigslist $15
11. gauze swaddle blanket fabric - $40 to make 8 blankets
12. clearance newborn clothes - average $3 or less/piece
13. a new car - my old truck had a bench seat
14. Maclaren Vollo Stroller - craigslist $60
15. baby bath - amazon $45
i don't want a crib
because i want to do a montessori style floor bed
and there is only a small window where a crib might be nice
from (4mo - 9mo)
and i think a pack n' play with a nice mattress
would be totally sufficient for a couple of months
i don't need a high chair
because we don't eat at a typical table
we eat at a low coffee table
so it is actually perfect for the cube chair (see previous post)
i don't want a plastic diaper disposal system
i don't want plastic walkers/bouncers/exersaucers
i don't think i need a special nursing pillow
i don't want a commercial baby gym
because i'm going to use the montessori wall mirror & mobile
as well as a wooden tripod type set up
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